Friday, December 31, 2010

jiwa kosong~

What will I be years from now
What will I wear, how will I look
I think too much, I think too much

Sometimes it’s scary over thinking
What you have or haven’t done
You think too much, you think too much

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing treacherous game
And the star much shine
The colours seem so blurry

Will I end up all alone
Without a shoulder to cry on
What will I be years from now
I have answered them but none have answered me
And when my time has come
I hope my last seconds in this life will have you
Will have you

Will the rain smell the same
Will our loosing treacherous game
And neglect most people who
Seems so worthy
lirik lagu yg sering bermain di fikiran aku...
lagu aizat.. years from now :)

tired, goodbye 2010

what will i be years from now ?
is it my dreams will come true ?
i've tired being honestly all the time without getting any feedback .
its sucks... :(

maybe i should be waiting and waiting... it worth for it?

when the last time i been feel dat feeling?

so, today is a last day of 2010..
azam aku? tah larr..
maybe cari
simpan dulu.. sapa xnak diploma beb..
stakat sijil...jgn mimpi lar nk keja best2..
bkn pndg rendah, tp aku nk bela nasib mak abah aku..smpai biler kan ?
smpai biler dorg nk susah..kesian dorg...

hahah...lwk jer kann..
sgt cepat masa berlalu..
kenangan bersama teman2..bkn sajer teman, aku panggil dorg sahabat...
walaupun cukup untuk mengenali smua mereka...
aku rasa bahagia dpt kenal dgn dorg...
susah sama susah
senang sama senang...
mcm2 dugaan menimpa...
thanks para sahabat di kkss...
korg teman yang aku syg...
tak lupa gak utk para lecturers..
walaupun sem lepas aku byk maen..

sem ni aku bersemangat untuk belajar..
walaupun xbest mana..
tp korg yg byk motivate aku...

walaupun aku ni kekok ckit biler bersama korg..
dlm hati aku, ade terselit rasa syg dan berterima kasih yg tak terhingga pd korg..
byk bg peluang pd student mcm aku yg tau nk maen jer.. hahah

apa aku melalut pon xtau...
sb da lama x menaip kt skrin blog nih...
janggal sungguh nyembang sorg dlm blog nih..

mcm syok sendiri pon ada...HAHAHA

tp, ni blog aku kan? aku punye suka laaa..


k lar, best wishes from me..
good bye 2010..welcome 2011...

mana azam lepas tak capai2 lg, carry forward utk tahun baru nih..
usaha utk capai...
yeahhhh !

Friday, October 15, 2010

weyhh, giler da lama tak entry post kt cni..
sibukk kott
(wat2 sibukk)
aku malas sebenarnyaa...tatau nak update apa.. aku xde apa yg menarik ponn.
bosannn kott.. neeway.. sejak da study nihh..
best lar jgkk...jmpa kawan2...
gelak sana gelak sini..
study2 jgkk...huhu

tgk lahh nest time..
ada benda aku masuk lah dlm nihh k..

adiosa ~~

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

minggu terakhir~

tapau pizza hut selepas hari kedua opening :p

wahhh..minggu nih minggu terakhir aku melepakkan diri kt pdkk neh..
walopon eksaited nak abeh da n bole cuti pnjgggg...
tp sedih pon ade nk tinggalkan tmpt nih..
sbnye...da sronok duk kat cni...
kan best kalo dpt keje kat cni trus...

tp cemana yer..
kena apply s.p.a lar kan..
takleh ker mintak keje direct jer..hahaha

perasan lar kan...
hurrmm...pe2 pon minggu terakhir nih nak enjoy jer kt tmpt neh..lalala~ :p

tp best gak..da nak last2 neh..
makin mcm2 lak makan...hahahah..

depa duk sronok menjamu...
ade plak pizza hut kt kk neh..
berat msti bertambah...
tgk muka sndiri pon da naek double chin
cess..kena diet balek sblm masuk kolej nehh...hahahak~~

Monday, June 7, 2010

ngok ngek~

ape yg aku rasa sekarang...
hurrmm...bengong2 kott...lalalala~

nk beli camera..dslr..idamankuhhh
urrrggghhh (sigh)
but so mahal larrr...adeyhh
so sad meyhhh :(

xper..skrg nih aku study dulu..
nt keje beli...InsyaAllah :)

doa2 kan lar..hikk

da mls nak pk benda bukan2 nehh
soal hati dan perasaan...
xpenting smua tuh...
yg penting skrg nih aku kena hepiiiii~~~

xhepi pon kena bwat2 hepi jgkk...hikksss
life must go on babe...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

si murai penipu

kenapa mesti menipu..
xpk ker perasaan org yg kena tipu tuh..

again n again n again kena tipu..
patut ker aku ditipu..
atau aku plak yg patut menipu kt org..
aku tanak tipu diri sendiri..
sb aku tau..sakit kena tipu tuh..

sicked n tired with the word.."tipu"

per heh salah aku..
atau manusia yg aku jumpe tuh mmg penipu..
tp takkan smua yg aku jumpe pon penipu..

hahaha..giler bape byk perkataan tipu dlm entry aku nehh..
aku sndiri pon nyampah tgk nyer..haha

tp its a fact..aku kena tipu lg..
oleh sang murai penipu..

hello.. (luahan hati)

I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Hello, is it me you're looking for?

I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted, (and) my arms are open wide
'Cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much, I love you ...

I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again how much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello, I've just got to let you know

'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying, I love you ...

Hello, is it me you're looking for?
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying ... I love you

Thursday, May 13, 2010

panggilan pulau..wee~ :)

title yg wat aku eksaited..huhu
plan nak gi pangkor ni..aku yg kuarkan..
tuh pon selepas melihat gambar2 mmber lama aku gi perhentian..
mcm best jer..why not..aku n bdk2 kelas aku pon gi camtuh..
tp xdelar sampai ke perhentian tuh..jauh kott..

jd..aku plan dekat2 jer..
murah belanja kann...
pilihan aku..ialah..pulau pangkor....

mmg lar cam dekat jer xper..
setakat neh preparation aku da survey chalet..byk gak yg murah2..
berpatutan lar dgn kami yg masih study neh..huhu

kita just nak have fun together lol..
janji smua pegi..baru best..
ade gak plan sblm neh nk gi genting..mmg best
tp msti kos tinggi lg..transport lg..
parents blom tntu nak lepas...huhu

tp dpt info..ade gak xdpt gi...ats sb2 tertentu..

xpelar masuk sem 4 nt..tau lar aku wat smpai korg pegi..hohoho
ekceli kt opis neh...bosan lakk..nak tido mls..huhu
tatau nak citer pe dah...
ni ade ckit pic2 pulau pamgkor..yg menambahkan lg eksaited nak gi..wawawawa

keseronokan menaiki banana

selamat datang ke pulau pangkor :)

kecantikan matahari terbenam..indahnye view :)

pohon2 kelapa yg indah..yg bole menghempap kepala korg..haha

rasanya...setakat ni citer aku..huahua..

citer psl eksaited nak gi jer..sbnrnye...
harap2 smuanya berjalan dgn lancar nt...


dat's ol folk... :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

where have u gone my indie darling~~

alkisahnye...xde kena mengena pong dgn tajuk ats neh..
sejak smlm aku melayari social network aku..iaitu muka buku lar kan..
yg glam skrg neh...
jumpe balek kwn2 skola rendah dulu..
giler kau..rindu kott..
mcm2 depa tuh...

ade yg da blaja kt obersi..
kt malyasia2 jer..
tp smua hebat2 belaka..
aku jugekk kt sungai siput balek...hikhik

tp xkesah lar..rezeki masing2 kan..
rezeki dorg lebih..dpt lar blaja smpai tinggi2..

tp aku tkot gak nk tegur2 dorg tuh..
bkn pe..ingat ker lg dorg kt aku..
nak ke lyn kita neh..hoho

xper..yg pasti..aku ingat kwn2 aku..
ni smua hasil bantuan haslina...
kebetulan dia pong praktikal kat tmpt aku nih..
baru jer masuk..tuh yg dpt info kwn2 lama tuhh

kalo wat reunion neh..cara gakkk...
tunggu lar kalo2 ade sape yg rajin nak organise kann..

aku malaasss...hahaha

dat's ol readers...(ade ker..? huhu)


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My own Blog..!!!

Perrghh...tajuk takleh bla..
cam taksub jer da ade blog sendirikk..haha..(mmg taksub pong)
actually..saje jer..wat blog neh..bole lar wat tmpt luahkan ati..ngee~
ape2 pon..biler da ade blog sendirik neh..
nak rajin2 update...huhuk..

k lar...
dats ol' for the first time blogging..

papaiyo~ :p